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Read the short wiki articles below about The Terra Nova Expedition and then watch the UK Documentary about the competition to the polls. Write a brief overview of what you found or learned interesting and post it to the Reading Sage Blog. Extra Credit: Follow this article links and read one or more of the articles below and do an in-depth research paper or try the Bushcraft/Woodlore skills with parent supervision and share you Bushcraft/Woodlore skills with Reading Sage.

More Extra Credit: Read about the Terra Nova Expedition or other expeditions and reveal your findings, opinions, and skills you discovered with our visitors. Create an electronic Bushcraft Project and discuss the link and task on the Reading Sage Blog. My Top 10 Digital Presentation Tools! Glogster Express yourself with the best Glog – graphic blog.

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Prezi is a cloud-structured demonstration software that opens up a fresh world between whiteboards and slides. Voki is a free of charge service that enables you to: Create personalized avatars. Add tone of voice to your Voki avatars. Post your Voki to any blog, website, or profile. VUVOX gives you to make interactive slideshows and presentations from photos, video, and music from Flickr, Picasa Web Albums, and YouTube.

Zoho Zoo offers a collection of online web applications intended for increasing your productivity and offering easy collaboration. The Terra Nova Expedition, the Uk Antarctic Expedition officially, was led by Robert Falcon Scott with the aim of being the first to reach the geographical South Pole. January 1912 Scott and four companions obtained the pole on 17, where they discovered that a Norwegian team led by Roald Amundsen got preceded them by 33 times.

Scott’s entire party died on the come back trip from the pole; a few of their bodies, journals, and photographs were discovered by a search party eight months later. Scott was a skilled, polar commander, having previously led the Discovery Expedition to the Antarctic in 1901-04. The Terra Nova Expedition, named after its supply ship, was a private venture, financed by public contributions augmented by a government grant.

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It had further backing from the Admiralty, which released experienced seamen to the expedition, and from the Royal Geographical Society. As well as its polar attempt, the expedition carried out a comprehensive medical program, and explored Victoria Land and the Western Mountains. An attempted getting and exploration of King Edward VII Land was unsuccessful.

A trip to Cape Crozier in June and July 1911 was the first prolonged sledging journey in the depths of the Antarctic winter. For many years after his death, Scott’s status as a tragic hero was unchallenged, and few questions were asked about the causes of the devastation which overcame his polar party. In the final one fourth of the 20th century the expedition emerged under closer scrutiny, and more critical views were expressed about its organization and management. The degree of Scott’s personal culpability remains a matter of controversy among commentators.

The term woodcraft (or woodlot) denotes skills and experience in matters associated with living and flourishing in the woods-such as hunting, fishing, and camping-whether on the brief- or long-term basis. Traditionally, woodcraft concerns subsistence life styles, with implications of hunting-gathering. Whether traditional or modern, woodcraft may be approximately equated to the expression “living off the land”.

My Opinion about Boys and Reading! Many young boys find a school designated reading and reading curriculum to be a vast wasteland of boring, worthless lesson that holds no appeal. Boys for me need to learn about tough men happening perilous journeys living from the land with just a Hatchet “Gary Paulsen”, thwarting wicked doers and or dispatching wild beasts with sharpened teeth. Like a previous son I wanted to read about rugged young boys or men surviving against all odds, tales of honor and redemption.